The story of "Beautiful Distraction" depicts the relationship between Emilio and Clara.  Based in Los Angeles, we witness the unique excitement of truly falling in love, and how these impactful relationships change the course of your future; sometimes even making you realize dreams you never thought were possible. Emilio and Clara have a true friendship, circled around the beauty and mystique of love that seems to be fleeting, but at the same time, it is something that should never be let go.
Director: Fay Foligno • Production Designer: Celia Josephine • Costume Designer: Celia Josephine • Properties & Set Decoration: Celia Josephine • Cinematography: Juan Felipe Días • Written By: Fay Foligno • Photographer: Celia Josephine 

Clara & Emilio's First Meeting - Still

Emilio - Still

Clara & Emilio - Still 

Clara's Easel 

Director's View 

Clara's Enamel Denim Jacket 

Hand Painted Jeans

Emily Kaye as Clara 

Remo Rivero as Emillio


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