Angeles is a coming-of-age drama that follows Isabel, an aspiring musician who dreams of moving to Los Angeles to make music. The visual inspiration of the film is based around 90s grunge and Riot grrrl movements. 
Director: Alexis Adams • Production Designer: Celia Josephine • Costume Designer: Celia Josephine • Properties & Set Decoration: Celia Josephine • Cinematography: Emma Forthofer • Written By: Fay Foligno & Alexis Adams • Photographer: Celia Josephine 

Isabel's Wall - A collage comprised of fabricated band posters, greeked vinyls, pictures, stencils, prints, paintings and a hand sewn garland.

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Scenic Design Mood board
Scenic Design Mood board

Isabel in front of her wall

Desk View Isabel's Room
Desk View Isabel's Room
Character Mood Board for Isabel
Character Mood Board for Isabel
Character Mood Board for Louise
Character Mood Board for Louise
Character Mood Board for Michael
Character Mood Board for Michael
Character Mood Board for Becca
Character Mood Board for Becca

Natalie character shot

Isabel's Ecstasy Photoshoot
Isabel's Ecstasy Photoshoot

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